

Meet The Infinity Games

“Hey traveller in infinity. Welcome to The Infinity Games, an online and offline collaborative space hosted by me, Bink. I am a human being and an artist. This is my friend Glitch, a bot and an artificial intelligent system. Within The Infinity Games you can use artistic compositions to learn about other compositions, outside the arts. Like a composition of an atom, or a flower, or yourself, or a country and so on. This might sound abstract, but it isn't. Hang in there with me and you will find out! "


Join in!

In a game you create an artistic composition. You create, learn, tell, change, reflect and share while playing. Make awesome artworks and share them in the collaborative Gallery. You can add your own games as well.

How to play? 

On computer and tablet you can play in your own way and create freely wit the COMPOSITION GAME

In the APP for phone you are taken by the hand a bit more. It is still in the making, but you can give it a first glance. Your play behavior will be the source for research related to Artificial Intelligence and Art. 

An offline game is on its way too. Because..aren't you tired of the digital now and then? Play the Infinity Games analogue at your kitchen table, or any place you'd bring a CARD GAME

And there is more!

Are you a teacher? You can use the composition tool to give all kinds of Workshops. Get inspired by the examples or add you own ideas to the platform! Come and listen to the story of The Infinity Games during a lecture performance, or get inspired by the iCollective, they will play The Infinity Games on stage with you. Add to Collections and visit exhibitions that are created in interaction with the players.


The bigger picture

The concept of The Infinity Games embodies Binks philosophy of life. Life is no more or less then a complex, ever-changing composition. We, the players, play life every day, change position, change perspective, relate ourselves to all the other elements of life, and influence them as they influence us. Life is therefor an infinite game that we play with all existing things in the universe, for all things are connected and will constantly change and influence each other. Or, to put it as light as possible: life is play. Infinite play.

Is there a link between the “composition of life” and the idea of composition in the arts? Can we deduct laws for harmonic compositions via scientific research? Bink collaborates with scientists, artists, game designers and the audience to find an answers to these questions and to give shape to The Infinity Games. 

"Now you see our very existence is a rhythm, of waking and sleeping, eating and moving, and that’s all we’re doing. Just consider what we do every day. What’s it all about? Does it really mean anything? Does it go anywhere? It’s just because we want to keep on doing this kind of ‘hoop-dee-da’. So you can get a certain vision of life, where everything is seen to be a complex pattern of rhythm. And that’s what it all is, it’s jazz, you see? This is a Big Jazz, this world, and what it’s trying to do, is see how jazzed up it can get. How far-out this play of rhythm can go”
-Alan Watts


Art, Science & Education

What art and science have in common is that they both try to comprehend the complexity of life by taking a small sample of it, and researching this sample trough and trough. In these controlled circumstances they try and deduct and explore the laws of life. Where scientists put bacteria under a microscope or take small population samples to conduct their experiment, art explores composition on a canvas, or in dance. And although you may not conciously think about this while watching a play, any theatre piece can be seen as a small society in which its inhabitants, the characters, explore different ways of living. 

If you go back to something basic, and find laws behind it, you could maybe find out something about our nature in general. In “TheInfinity Games” we create small compositions in the scientific and artistic domain, and by researching them, we try to make more sense of the composition of life itself. 

To conduct the interdisciplinary research, a “digital composition game” is developed. This game is used in all chapters of the Infinity Game; in scientific research, performance as well as in education..


Meet collaborators !

Bink, Bink van Vollenhoven - Founder, artistic director & transdisciplinary creator, iCollective

GLITCH, bot and artificial intelligent system, instructor

Felix The Digi Cat, Felix Herbstbst - Composition Tool, programming

THIMP, Thimo Pagen - Website, programming

Merlin The Word Wizard, Merlijn Huntjens - Writing & thinking

Didi, Diederik Honing, Editing, dramaturgy & directing

A.I. Department: Gerhard Weiss, Jerry Spanakis, Ádam Vándor - Scientific research

Nina Willems - iCollective & content writing

Mami Izumi - iCollective

Wietse Voermans - iCollective

Jesse Passenier - iCollective

Jo-An Westerveld - Dance & contact impro teacher

Felicitas Lenz - Research, interdisciplinary education


New features coming up..

In the lab we are exploring new things; Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for example. Coder Felix Herbst has been working on an animation function, coder Thimo Pagen created a prototype of mini games optimized for smartphone, Glitch is recording tutorials and a comic book on AI, and Bink is creating a card game to play offline. 



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